Siliceous fly ash 10 01 02
Fine-grained dust composed primarily of spherical, vitrified grains and obtained in the process of combustion of bituminous coal combustion with or without an addition of co-combustion materials. The main components of fly ash are aluminosilicates (SiO2 and Al2O3). Due to its pozzolanic properties, fly ash is a commonly used and valued construction material.
Certified fly ash added to concrete and offered by EPORE complies with the requirements of PN EN 450-1 and is classified in category A in terms of loss on ignition and N with regard to fineness.
Fly ash application:
- as an additive to ready-mixed concrete,
- in production of prefabricated concrete elements,
- in production of aerated concrete,
- in cement production,
- in transportation engineering (for road construction and hardening, for railway and road embankments, soil stabilisation),
- in underground mining operations (for mine backfilling, goaf sealing, filling of abandoned workings, fire prevention, etc.),
- for land reclamation and levelling.
- Safety Data Sheet PL
- Safety Data Sheet DE
- Certificate of Conformity – Fly ash for concrete
- Certificate – Fly ash for concrete (EN)
- Certificate of Conformity – Flugasche für Beton Betoment®
- Fly ash for concrete — Part 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria
- Natural radioactivity