EPORE offers specialist waste management consulting services.
Our services include:
- analyses of combustion by-products market,
- analyses of technical and legal considerations, including combustion by-products generation processes,
- analyses of combustion by-products management methods, production processes and generation technologies,
- development of plans for an effective economic utilisation and distribution of combustion by-products,
- development and updating of documents related to drafting waste management licences and analyses, drafting documents for a commercial use of combustion by-products created during electricity generation, as well as keeping documentation related to the economic utilisation of combustion by-products.
Our clients receive the following benefits:
- comprehensive know-how with regard to methods and possibilities for an economic waste utilisation,
- overall knowledge of combustion by-products management based on the legal and organisational analysis of the company,
- continuous and professional support by our employees whose expertise and experience ensure best solutions with regard to combustion by-products management,
guarantee of professional completion of paperwork required to obtain permits, licences and administrative decisions concerning combustion by-products management.